Merchant card upload instructions
Get started
Use one of the options below to provide your file to us after you've filed with the Internal Revenue Service and verified that they accepted your file. You'll need a Business Online Services account. If you don't already have one, you'll need to create an account.
Option 1 (easiest and quickest method)
- Log in to your Business Online Services account.
- Select the ≡ Services menu in the upper left-hand corner of your Account Summary homepage.
- Select File exchange from the menu, then File exchange from the drop-down.
- In the File upload information section on the File Exchange screen, choose Merchant Card as your folder option.
- Select Browse to navigate to your file.
- Once you locate and select your file, select Upload File.
Option 2
- Print and complete the confidentiality agreement: Form DTF-202, Tax Information Access and Non-Disclosure Agreement.
- Mail the completed agreement to the Tax Department. Note: Don't transmit a file to us until we notify you by phone or email that we've accepted the agreement.
- Log in to your Business Online Services account.
- Select the ≡ Services menu in the upper left-hand corner of your Account Summary homepage.
- Select File exchange from the menu, then File exchange from the drop-down.
- In the Tax Department provided files section on the File Exchange screen, locate the Tickler file and select Download.
- Create the data files to transmit to the Tax Department.
- Start Option 1 steps.
For more details about merchant card upload see Reporting requirements for entities making payments to merchants as reimbursement for credit and debit card transactions.