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E-file options for personal income tax

E-filing is the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete your personal income tax return. 

Use free options

woman in front of computer with child hugging her

Direct File

Direct File is a free, easy-to-use electronic filing option for eligible taxpayers.

Eligible New York taxpayers can use IRS Direct File to file their federal return, then seamlessly export their information into New York State Direct File to complete their New York State return.

You can access IRS Direct File and New York State Direct File from your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or desktop computer. Direct File will soon be available in Spanish.

woman reviewing free file options on laptop

Free File

If your 2024 federal adjusted gross income was $84,000 or less, you may be eligible to use Free File software to e-file your federal and state income tax returns—at no cost.

When choosing your Free File software, carefully read the qualifying criteria for each of the participating software providers. If you are not eligible for a free filing option for the software you choose, the software provider may charge you a fee.

women sitting on couch using laptop

Taxpayer Assistance Program (TAP)

If your federal adjusted gross income (FAGI) was $84,000 or less, you qualify to receive free tax assistance from the department. We'll help you use safe and free online tax software to electronically prepare and file your 2024 federal and state income tax returns at no cost. It’s quick and easy!

mother in military fatigues hugging daughter

MilTax: Tax services for the military

Members of the military community may also consider using MilTax from Military OneSource and the Department of Defense. MilTax free tax services include tax prep and e-filing software (no income limitations!) and personalized support that address the realities of military life – deployments, combat and training pay, housing and rentals, multistate filings, and more.

women helping man use a computer

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly

The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs offer free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals.

Use approved commercial software

Use an approved software provider to prepare and e-file your federal and state return together. The software you choose may include a free option; please read the eligibility requirements before you get started.

See E-file-approved commercial software for a list of software providers you can use.

Note: Some software is available in Spanish. Look for Disponible en español after the product name.

Use a paid tax preparer to e-file

Most tax preparers are required to electronically file their clients' New York State tax returns. By law, preparers cannot charge you extra for electronically filing your New York State return.

See Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparers for guidance.

