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Send the manufactured home and co-op spreadsheets to the Tax Department


Assessors and county real property tax directors


If the tax levy date for any school district in your municipality is Please submit your manufactured home/co-op spreadsheet by
between June 1 and July 1 May 6
between July 2 and September 30 May 6
in October (Nassau County) May 28
in December (Suffolk County) June 10


In general, individual units in manufactured home parks and cooperative buildings don’t appear on assessment rolls. Before we can issue STAR credits to these residences, we must confirm that the properties exist and that they are the primary residences of the applicants.

Please complete the manufactured home and cooperative spreadsheets for all units that are not separately assessed. If we do not receive this data from assessors, the STAR credits for these homeowners will be delayed.


  1. Use the spreadsheets and instructions below to submit data for all manufactured home and co-op units.

    Important: You must complete the Status Changes for 2024 tab manually. The RPSV4 query will not update this tab.

    Please list the following manufactured home units on the Status Changes for 2024 tab: 
    • those units that were individually assessed (i.e. suffixed out) in 2023 and will be assessed as part of the park in 2024, and
    • those units that were assessed as part of the park in 2023 and will be individually assessed in 2024

    ORPTS may contact the owners of these units to remind them to register for the STAR credit.

  2. Use property class code 416 when maintaining your files for manufactured home parks. See Property type classification codes.
  3. Provide consistent data each year. Changes to street names and lot numbers from one year to the next require manual processing that can significantly delay credits. We appreciate your efforts to work with the park/co-op managers and owners to minimize these changes.
  4. Before sending your spreadsheets, verify the results to ensure that all fields are complete and accurate in relation to your input file.

Do not

  • Do not include condominiums on your co-op spreadsheet. Condominiums are separately assessed.
  • Do not submit incomplete spreadsheets. Missing data and blank fields will slow down the processing of credits for impacted homeowners.

Spreadsheets for RPSV4 users who maintain manufactured home or co-op worksheets

Use the query-enabled spreadsheets and the associated instructions below to report co-op and manufactured home units. The spreadsheets contain an Excel query to load data from your RPSV4 tables. We’ve structured the queries to include all available manufactured home and cooperative table data, including assessed and full-market values.

Before running the query, review all of your manufactured home and co-op data and make any necessary corrections.

After running the queries, verify the results before saving the spreadsheet and sending it to the email address below.

Also see: How to access the RPSV4 manufactured home worksheet when there are no STAR exemptions in the park

Spreadsheet for users of other assessment administration software and RPSV4 users who don’t maintain manufactured home or co-op worksheets

  1. Use the Manual Load Spreadsheet. Printable Manual Load Instructions and File Specifications.
  2. Complete a separate spreadsheet for manufactured homes and co-ops if you have both types of properties in your jurisdiction.
  3. On the co-op spreadsheet, include only properties that aren’t separately listed on the assessment roll. Don’t add separately assessed parcels to your spreadsheet.
  4. Review your data and make any necessary corrections before entering your data into the spreadsheet.
  5. Include total assessed value, full-market value, and taxable assessed value before the reduction for STAR for:
    • all co-ops, and
    • any manufactured homes with full market values greater than $20,000. If you don’t enter a manufactured home value, or the value is under $20,000, we’ll calculate the credit based on a $20,000 value.

After you complete your spreadsheets

Please send the completed spreadsheets to Include your name, municipality, and contact information in the body of the email. If you don’t have any manufactured home parks or cooperative buildings in your community, please notify us at that email address.  


Contact your ORPTS customer service teams.

