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The SalesWeb application contains ten years of real property transfer data in New York State, excluding New York City. Real property transfer data for New York City properties, excluding Staten Island, is available within NYC’s Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS). For more information, visit NYC Department of Finance.

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Note: SalesWeb is updated weekly. We make every effort to update the application with the most recent data provided to us. However, there can be a lag of weeks or months between the date of a sale and when it is provided to our department. As a result, recent property sales may not display when you search or download the data.

Frequently asked questions

SalesWeb data

Q. What is SalesWeb?

A. SalesWeb is an application used to query or download information about real property transfers recorded in New York State (excluding New York City). There are more than 3 million records in the SalesWeb application.

Q. What is the source of the SalesWeb data?

A. New York Real Property Transfer Reports (Form RP-5217) are the sources of the data. Form RP-5217 is completed at the time of transfer (also known as a real estate closing). The form, along with the deed, are then filed at the county clerk’s office in the county where the property is located. Counties are required to forward the RP-5217 form or the form’s data to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS). ORPTS loads the data into the SalesWeb application.

Q. Is the data accurate?

A. SalesWeb is updated weekly. Every effort is made to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. This information is entered and cross-checked against assessment roll files to ensure accuracy. The information is reviewed by the local assessor or the county director of real property tax services. If local officials detect errors, they forward them to ORPTS.

Note: As a result of the corrections process, the data in SalesWeb is subject to change.

Q. What is an arms-length sale?

A. An arms-length sale is a sale between a willing buyer and willing seller for a fair market value. Arms length sales do not include sales between related individuals or sales that occur under duress.

Q. Where can I find property sales that occurred more than ten years ago?

A. Check with your county clerk’s office for older sales.

Q. What types of transfers are not included in SalesWeb?

A. Form RP-5217 is not required to be filed for the following types of transfers, therefore Salesweb does not include them:

  • individual cemetery plots
  • co-op transfers
  • right-of-ways
  • easements
  • sales of mineral rights

Q. What are the definitions for the property tax classification codes listed in the Property Class on Roll column?

A. Property tax classification codes are a statewide uniform classification system assigned by the assessor to every property on the assessment roll. For definitions, see Property type classification codes.

Q. Where can I learn more about the data in SalesWeb?

A. To learn more about the RP-5217 form, such as governing statutes and the types of products developed from the data, see RP-5217 Real property transfer report; sales reporting.

Search, print, and download reports

Q. Should I select search or download?

A. If you select the download option, you have the option to download:

  • the current year and prior three years, or
  • the six years prior to the first option.

There is no option to search in the download section.

If you select the search option, you can refine your search, sort the results, and save the results in different formats, such as a text, Excel, or InfoMaker file.

Q. How do I search SalesWeb?

A. SalesWeb provides different search options for both a single record and a group of records. For example, for a specific sale, you can search using only the buyer or seller name, street address, book and page, or tax map ID number. For a group of sales, you can search the entire state, county, municipality, or school district.

For guidance searching SalesWeb, select the Help button in the application.

Q. Is there a limit on how many records can be returned as search results?

A. There is a limit of 3,000 results. Refine your search parameters to reduce the number of results.

Q. Can I download or print my search results into a PDF document?

A. SalesWeb is not compatible with Adobe.

Q. What is CSV format?

A. A Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is a plain text file that contains a list of data. These files may sometimes be called Character Separated Values or Comma Delimited files.

The download files are self-extracting zip files that are saved in comma-separated values (CSV) format. This means that the data is compressed for quicker downloads and the file will automatically unzip when you double click it. CSV files contain data separated by commas and each record is separated by a carriage return. CSV files can be opened with most spreadsheet programs.

Q. Will SalesWeb time-out for inactivity?

A. SalesWeb will time-out after 15 minutes of no activity.
