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Transmit your tentative and final assessment rolls to the Tax Department


Assessors and county real property tax directors


Transmit your tentative and final assessment rolls to the Tax Department as soon as possible, and no later than 10 days after filing each roll.


We need the rolls to issue STAR IVP and credit reports to you. In addition, to issue STAR credits, we use the rolls to:

  • estimate STAR credit amounts,
  • match against STAR credit registrations to estimate credit amounts, and
  • ensure that potential STAR credit recipients are not receiving a STAR exemption.


To transmit your assessment rolls to the Tax Department, access the Upload Files application in the Online Assessment Community as early as possible. For more information, see Upload Files Application Instructions.

Please ensure the print keys are in the standardized format and the exemption data is complete for each parcel.

Bear in mind that missing exemption data and changes to print keys require our staff to manually intervene, which slows credit processing.


Contact your ORPTS customer service team.

